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Home > Arxspan User Guides > BioDrive > User Interface Overview
User Interface Overview
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This section will provide a brief overview of BioDrive’s User Interface terms as referred to in this user guide.  
  1. Sequence Tabs
  • When a sequence is loaded, a sequence tab is created.
  • The name of the tab is read from the sequence file.
  • There is one tab for each sequence.
  • You can switch between sequences by clicking on different tabs.
  • The order of the sequence tab can be rearranged by dragging the tab and dropping it at the desired location.


  1. Sequence Views

Three tabs allow you to view sequences in different views: Linear Map, Sequence Map or Circular Map.

  • Linear Map
  • Sequence Map
  • Circular Map


  1. Editing History

The three tools in the editing history toolbar allow you to “Undo” and “Redo” the actions you perform on the sequence. This will also provide a timestamped list of actions made to the sequence.


  1. Search Tools

Search tools are used to search DNA or protein sequences.


  1. Actions Dropdown

The list of actions that can be performed on the sequence is shown in this dropdown.


  1. Create Dropdown

This dropdown contains a list of actions to add new things to the sequence.


  1. Split View

Simultaneously visualize different views of a sequence side-by-side; this feature can be used to view a plasmid’s Circular Map alongside its Sequence Map.


  1. Display Setting

You can toggle on and toggle off what is to be shown on the sequence view window in this dropdown.


  1. Side Panel

This arrow is used to expand the side panel. Once expanded (see screenshot below), the side panel can be pinned down by clicking the “Pin” button. You can switch between different panels (Features, Enzymes, Primers) by clicking the panel name on the top. Alternatively, the side panel can be collapsed using the arrow next to the “Pin” button.


  1. Tool Dropdown

This is a toolbar that allows users to

  • Inspect feature library
  • Inspect oligo library
  • Choose translation options (in development)
  • Choose generic code (in development)


  1. History (Enterprise Version Only)

The History Panel displays the BioDrive Change History and Sequence Change History.


  1. Zoom

You can adjust the zoom of the current view by dragging the dot on the scale to the left (zoom out) or to the right (zoom in).




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