Sep 25, 2024
Manage Requests page allows you to check and update existing work requests.
- Press “Manage Requests” under Work Orders from the left navigation bar will open the manage requests page.
- From “Visible Request Type” dropdown, select the request type you want to check. The system will display all requests of this request type. If there are many work requests, you can enter the key word in the Search box to narrow down the requests.
- After you find the one you are looking for, press the green “+” sign to open the request in a new popup.
- All fields on the top of the work request are editable.
- There are several ways to add data to the data table:
- Add data manually. If there is no data row, press the “+ Add” button below the data table to add a new row to the data table. Manually add data to every field. If there is a structure field, you have the option to drag & drop or upload a structure file. You must press "Save" after adding each row to save the changes.
- Press the “BROWSE” button and select the data file. If there is a structure field, the data file should be in .sd format. If there is no structure field, the Excel file can be used. The headers of the data file must exactly match the field names in the data table.
- Drag and drop the data file into the data table field.
- After you finish all the updates, press “Update” to submit the changes. If you don’t want to save the change, press “Cancel”.