Nov 03, 2023
The ability to generate one page PDF of a Chemistry experiment is a company setting. The system administrator must contact Arxspan Support to have this feature turned on. When this feature is turned on, the user will see a button called “Chemistry PDF” at the bottom of the Chemistry experiment page.
- Enter all information in the experiment.
- Select one image file from the attachment table by checking the “Include in Chemistry PDF” option below the file, then press “Click to publish now” to save the selection.
- After the experiment is ready, press the “Chemistry PDF” button at the bottom of the experiment page to generate the PDF file.
- An example of the one-page Chemistry PDF is shown below.
The PDF file contains the company logo, notebook page number, user-entered experiment title, users name, date created, reaction image, data from the Stoichiometry Grid (all numerical data, inventory links, and reg links), selected image file, and the Preparation field.