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Home > Arxspan User Guides > New Registration > Creating a New Registration Entity
Creating a New Registration Entity
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To create a registration entity a user must have the ADD permission at the user or group level for the registration group they are creating an entity in.

  1. Select Register from the left navigation bar

  1. From the dropdown menu select the registration group to create the new entity in.

  1. A blank parent page will be presented. After adding data and submitted the system will perform a duplication check based on the groups configuration. One of the following outcomes will occur:
    1. If the system does not have the Has Children option selected
      1. No duplicate is found, a new parent record created
      2. Duplicate found, no record created
    2. If the system does have Has Children selected
      1. No duplicate is found, a new parent record created
      2. If a duplicate is found the system will notify you and take you through the child creation process

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