Chemistry templates are unique to create due to the ability to link directly to the stoichiometry grid. These templates require extra steps to enable this functionality. This will require you, as the creator, to decide which tabs of the stoichiometry grid you would like to have as an option and which fields from those tabs should display (e.g. chemical name, mass, mols, etc.). This must be decided in advance because each tab option must be created individually and then assembled together. For example, if you wished to create the below template:
Each blue linked option (underlined section) must be created separately as its own internal template (known as a Group template) which can then be added to experiment templates for use in chemistry experiments. Each grouped template can be added to the same experiment template multiple times or to multiple experiment templates.
To begin, navigate to the Chemistry Preparation Templates section.
Select “New Template”
A new text editor will open. Provide a name for this template, be sure to pick something specific to prevent duplication, ambiguity, and confusion.
There are multiple dropdown options across the upper right area of the text editor. Each dropdown corresponds to a different stoichiometry tab type (e.g. Reactant, Reagent, etc.). Select the options that match the specific stoichiometry tab you are attempting to link to.
In the below example, the reactant list options have been selected to add various features (e.g. Reactant name, Reactant mass, etc.) to the template.
Select the “Is Group” checkbox below the text editor before saving. If you do not select this option the template will not be available for the next step of this process. Please limit each template to a single linked feature (i.e. do not add a reactant option and reagent option in the same “grouped” template). Once this is complete save the template.
Perform the same steps for each linked section you wish to add to your available options. Be sure to select “Is Group” for each and save.
Once all of these options are complete, navigate back to the templates list and select “New template” again.
Begin typing the text you wish the sections to have (i.e. To a flask …..) Once you reach a point in your text where a linked field is required, select the “Group template” option in the upper right and select the template you created previously for this linked field. Once the section has been inserted you can continue to add more text and repeat with as many linked options as you wish. Once completed save without the “Is Group” option selected.
This template can now be found in the Preparation section of your chemistry experiment under the template dropdown.