Sep 05, 2024
This section covers the creation and configuration of fields and application templates that utilize chemistry functionality in ELN. This area of the product and these functions can only be accessed by a workflow manager.
- Field Configuration
Field with the data types Chemistry Canvas and Stoichiometry Grid must be created before they can be added to application templates. For templates with multiple canvas or multiple stoichiometry fields we recommend making (n) number of fields, n being the number you require in your template. You can reuse fields across applications templates, it is not recommended to duplicate a field within a single application template. We also strongly recommend using unique names per field to prevent confusion both during configuration and when users are utilizing these templates. - Chemistry ELN Application Configuration
i. Add at least one chemistry canvas (1) and one stoichiometry grid (2) field type to an application template set to ELN. This will allows users to draw/upload reactions into the ELN, have the system automatically generate data about the structures (Molecular weight, IUPAC name, etc.), and allow for further calculations. For data from the canvas to be processed and populate a stoichiometry grid field properly the canvas field must be grouped with a stoichiometry grid (3). Each canvas field can be grouped with as many stoichiometry grids as you would like to populate, but each stoichiometry grid must only be grouped with a single canvas field.
ii. Each chemistry canvas field must have a canvas type selected in the edit menu (4). These two options control the size of the canvas area. The reaction option will size itself to take up the entire width of the page. This is the recommended size for drawing reactions as it gives the user the maximum space. The structure option will size itself to half of the page.
iii. The Stoichiometry field data type has a custom option that can be configured in the edit screen (5). This option allows you to add up to five custom fields to the stoichiometry table (6). These custom fields will be added into the stoichiometry grid. They are not included in any automatic calculations. The system only supports text and number fields so the list of available fields to add will be limited to fields of those data types (7). This list is populated by the fields list from the configure fields screen. These fields will need to be created and saved before they can be added to the stoichiometry grid