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Home > Arxspan User Guides > New Registration > Salt Support for Chemistry Registration
Salt Support for Chemistry Registration
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This section will cover how to configure and use the salt library and salts feature in the workflow registration product. The salt library is only available with the correct configuration set otherwise the settings and options described will not be visible.

  1. Configuration of Chemical Registration for Salt Support

A company has one salt library for all registration groups. To utilize it all the following options must be configured properly.

  1. The Chemistry Canvas data type must be turned on in the company. This should be standard if chemistry is part of the purchased package.

  1. Two new data types have been added to utilize this functionality, Salt Code and Salt Multiplicity. You must create 1 field of each type before configuring a registration group with the Salt option enabled

  1. When creating a registration group where salt stripping will be used, the two new fields (salt code and multiplicity) must be added and grouped with the structure field. This allows the structure field to properly strip and account for the information. If more than one structure field is used a unique set of salt code and multiplicity fields should be added and grouped with each structure field.

  1. The “Use Salts” checkbox should be selected for the group overall to link it to the salt library.

Once all of the above criteria are met the Salt Library option will be available in the left navigation bar.

  1. Creating and Maintaining the Salt and Solvate Library

This section will cover modifying and updating the Salt and Solvate Library. It is important to note: The system will only strip salts listed in this library, if it isn’t in the library the system will treat the salt/solvate as part of the molecule!

    1. To add new salts or solvates to the library you must go to the existing library and select the add option.
    2. The system will present you with a window to draw the salt or solvate form you wish to be detected and stripped out of any registered entity. You must provide a unique salt code of between 2-5 characters. This is a shorthand for the salt/solvate and allows you to add them via bulk registration and bulk update without requiring the structure in the file.
    3. After adding the required information the system will save this new structure into the salt library. A few important notes
      1. Use charges on structures correctly, the system will not treat a positive and neutral ion the same!
      2. Each Salt code can only be added once.
      3. Only single structures are needed for salts and solvates that can have higher multiplicities e.g. the system will use multiplicity to distinguish between a hexahydrate and a pentahydrate they do not need to be added as separate solvates.
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