Sep 20, 2024
New Features
New Chemical and Biological Registration. Please contact your account manager or support if you would like a demo or to pilot this new module.
- The ability to create registration groups with chemical structures has been added. This is available today.
- The ability to add custom salts to chemical registration items will be added
- This library will be completely custom for your company
- This feature will be available for both parent and child records
- A custom workflow requiring administrative approval before records are available for all users will be added
- The ability to link existing items to ELN records will be added to the ELN linking option
Note: Please be aware that these changes will NOT impact anyone currently using our legacy registration module. This module and all updates are separate and will not change/interrupt the legacy product.
- A new custom Chemistry Experiment type is now available.
- This experiment type allows for new features not previously supported including
- Multiple authors for a single entry
- Custom stoichiometry grid fields
- Multiple reactions, including calculations, in a single template
- Complete integration with the New Chemical Registration Module
- This can be configured starting today, please reach out to support or your account manager to learn more
- This experiment type allows for new features not previously supported including
- The login dashboard landing page is now customizable. This setting will be available to all users and can be set at the user level
- Isotopic labeling support will be added to the ChemDoodle drawing tool
- The ability to register items created in the BioDrive tool in the ELN directly into the New Registration module will be added
- The Detailed Operation Report page will be updated to include Rejected and Reopened experiments
- An issue preventing reopen notes from being added to the notes table was corrected
- An error with the Mu symbol being displayed incorrectly in some places will be corrected