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Home > Arxspan User Guides > Notebook > Adding and Managing Files within an Experiment
Adding and Managing Files within an Experiment
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Adding Files to an Experiment

Option 1: using the "+Add File" tab.

This selection will open the upload dialog. Here you select the file or folder to upload from your local computer (1). You can also name your file (2) and add a description. When complete, select the upload option to complete the file upload.

Option 2: upload files to an experiment is to use drag and drop. You must drag the desired files into the indicated area.  


Modifying an Experiment's File Attachments

Once The files have been added and the experiment saved you will have the option to change the file name and description using the pencil icon (1). Only after saving can your remove files (2).


Arxspan Experiment File Attachment Considerations with Experiment PDF Generation

Arxspan does not restrict the type, number or size of files uploaded, however, many browsers will limit you to 2 GB. Your internal network or home network provider may also limit the size of individual or total uploads. Please consider the following implications file attachments may have on the PDF generation of your experiment:

  • Any file that Arxspan does not render to a PDF preview will still display the file title, description, and date uploaded in the overall PDF version of the experiment. Currently supported files types for PDF rendering are:
    1. Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)
    2. Image files (.jpeg, .png, etc.) except .tiff images
    3. PDF files
    4. Text files (.txt)
    5. Chemdraw files (.cdx & .cdxml)
  • We do not support the PDF rendering of files with internal links to outside sources (an internal SharePoint for example), password-protected files, and excels with macros or pivot tables. These may still be uploaded/attached to an Experiment, but please select the "Hide from PDF"  option, as shown in the screenshot below.


  • Although there are no restrictions on the allowed number of files attached to an Arxspan Experiment, we recommend including less than 100 file attachments in the Experiment's PDF Report to avoid disruptions in the rendering of the Experiment's PDF. If you have an Experiment with over 100 file attachments, please utilize the "Hide from PDF" option (as shown in the screenshot above) to ensure less than 100 file attachments are being included in the Experiment's PDF Report.
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