Jan 12, 2021
In order to run bulk registration, your registration role must be Power User or above. If you don’t see this option, please contact your ELN administrator.
- Select “Bulk Registration” under Registration on the left navigation bar. This will open the upload dialog.
- If more than one registration field groups are set up in your company, you need to select the field group type from a dropdown list. The system will load field group information after the selection. During this time, you won’t be able to select the upload file.
- After the field group information is loaded, select the file you want to upload. For small molecule registration, you can upload a sd file. For other registration groups without chemical structures, both excel file and CSV file can be used.
- Once the file is uploaded, you will see the field mapping window. The column heads of the upload file will be displayed on the left side of the arrow. The system fields will be shown in the dropdown list on the right side of the arrow. Mapping the data field in the input file with the corresponding system field will allow the system to save the data into the correct field.
- If there is a mapping template saved in the system, it can be selected from template dropdown list.
- If there is no mapping template saved, you should manually select the system field from the dropdown list for all the fields you want the data to be uploaded. The system will skip all unmapped fields.
Note: All system fields marked with * are required fields. Please make sure all of them are mapped. If any of these fields are not mapped, you will get an error message at upload.
- You can save the current field mapping by pressing “Add Template” after all desired fields are mapped. This will save time if subsequent uploads are needed.
- After you finish setting up field mapping, press “CONTINUE”. There will be a window to show upload progress.
- If there are errors in the input file, the system will indicate the number of errors it detects. The error log, containing detailed error information, can be downloaded from Bulk Registration Log on the left navigation bar or from the download dialog in the current window.
- If the items you try to register already exist in the system, the system will identify them as duplicates. If these are the new batches of the existing system, you can press “Add Batch” button to add them as new batches.
- If there is no error and no duplicate, all items in the input file will be registered as new items.
- The bulk registration result can be viewed in the Bulk Registration Log under Registration on the left navigation panel. This contains an exhaustive list of all uploads performed. You can also use this page to rollback any uploads that require it.